Apex lamp collection designed by John Tree for HAY August 18, 2023 by bp_heights_dbuw21w3 British designer John Tree produced the Apex lamp collection in his first collaboration with the Danish furniture company HAY. The series of four lamps is inspired by the classic Banker’s light and features folded steel shades in six colours. HAY The Apex lamp collection The Apex Clip Lamp can be fixed to horizontal and vertical surfaces, shown in Luis Pink and Pastel Blue The Apex Clip Lamp in Maroon Red The Apex Clip Desk Lamp features a longer aluminium stem, shown in Iron Black The Apex Desk Lamp reinterprets a vintage Banker’s lamp featuring an angled arm with a mirror-polished round base. Shown in Oyster White alongside the Apex Table Lamp in Iron Black Apex Table Lamp has a curved stem with a longer shade, shown in Emerald Green Folded steel shades in Iron Black, Oyster White, Pastel Blue, Emerald Green, Luis Pink and Maroon Red London-based product and furniture designer John Tree